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ARCSA Rainwater Harvesting Accreditation Courses

The completion of this course is a requirement for attaining accreditation as an ARCSA Accredited Professional. Once completed, individuals must also pass an ARCSA Accreditation Exam in order to attain the ARCSA Accredited Professional designation.

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For administrative reasons, registration and payment must be made through ARCSA directly.

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These workshops are open to the public or any industry professional looking to attain the ARCSA Accredited Professional designation. The courses are designed for individuals desiring to pursue a career in rainwater management. Topics covered include basics of rainwater catchment design and installation, in-home rainwater use; sanitation for potable uses; rules and regulations, guidelines and restrictions; business management; project planning; site and installation safety; and system construction and maintenance.The cost to attend this workshop is 395 plus $150 for the application and testing fee. If you are already a member and are seeking ARCSA Accreditation, the total cost for the workshop and accreditation program is $545. Individuals, not organizations become Accredited. To be clear, any workshop may be attended by anyone without prerequisites.

Click here for Accreditation information

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